این وبلاگ کاملا غیر فعال است

رمز بازی کانتر couter strike

به روز رسانی  از بس نظر دادید گفتید بده دیگه از سال 88 این پست اینجا بود الان شد سال 94 دیگه گفتیم به نظرتاتتون پوزخند البته الان پست رو خودم از یک سایت  خارجی معتبر براتون میگذارم با اون دکمه ~

رو میزنید میرید توی کنسول و سپس متن سبز زیر رو وارد میکنید به جز اون . T آخر یا sv_cheats بزنید یا اون دومی البته باید سرور باشید روی پچ های جدید کانتر هم ممکنه بعضی هاش کار نکنه البته قبلی هم خوب بود پستمون ولی این دیگه پست اختصاصی سایت هست موفق باشید

Press ~ to enter the console on the server machine and type sv_cheats 1 or sv_ 1. Then, change maps by typing changelevel dust (or any other map). Finally, enter one of the following codes at the console to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Some codes have been changed or removed with various patch updates for the game.

$16,000 impulse101
1= enables pausing(not reccomended) pausable
1= single player enemies visible mp_allowmonsters
1=cheats on sv_cheats
1=flashlight on mp_flashlight
1=no clipping sv_clipmode
1=turn on auto kick in game mp_autokick
???unknown sv_bounce
Adjust gravity sv_gravity <-999 - 999999>
Adjust wall and object density; default is 3600 gl_zmax <0-9999>
All shots will hit, default is 1 sv_clienttrace 999999999
Allows to walk faster in water sv_wateraccelerate 999
Allows you to toggle switching weapons faster hud_fastswitch (0 or 1)
Arctic sniper rifle give spaceweapon_awp
Auto-aim with sniper rifle sv_aim
Auto-reload disabled -reload
Auto-reload enabled +reload
Change crosshair color adjust crosshair
Change skins skin
change your starting money in-game! mp_startmoney
Disable the crosshair to enlarge when shooting crosshair <1-5>
Disables the litte information on the bottom right corner when you have +graph on. -graph
Enables blood thickening gl_spriteblend <0-1>
Enables unlimited spraying decalfrequency 0
Fast Jumping sv_airaccelerate -9999
Faster backwards motion cl_backspeed 999
Faster forward motion cl_forwardspeed 999
Faster side motion cl_sidespeed 999
Get indicated item give
Hyper auto-aim disabled sv_clienttrace 0000
Hyper auto-aim enabled sv_clienttrace 9999
Level select changelevel
List cheat commands, press [Page Up] or [Page Down] to scroll cvarlist or cmdlist
Makes you invincible God
Refreshes time on the console. timerefresh
Reveal how much time is left on the map timeleft
See and fire through walls and objects gl_zmax 0
See things brightly without flashlight lambert
Set freeze period at the start of rounds. Set to 0 to disable, default is 6/1 mp_freezetime
set max running speed sv_maxspeed
Set maximum length in minutes a round can last, default is 51 mp_roundtime <3-15>
Set minutes between map rotations, default is 01 mp_timelimit
SetC4 timer mp_c4timer <1-100>
sets acceleration sv_accelerate
sets how fast you accelerate in air sv_airaccelerate
sets how fast you accelerate in water sv_wateraccelerate
sets how fast you stop running sv_stopspeed
sets round time mp_roundtime
sets the friction in water sv_waterfriction
sets the friction of the game sv_friction
sets the mode to co-op coop
sets the mode to deathmatch deathmatch
sets time on C4 charge mp_c4timer
sets time to buy items mp_buytime
Show ping as numbers -numericping
Shows a little information on the very bottom right of your screen +graph
Shows server IP and port net_address
Shows the last 4 kills of either team hud_deathnoticetime 9999
Start with 16000 mp_startmoney 16000
Suicide kill
The game restarts after 1 second sv_restartround 1
Toggle auto-help hint messages, default is 1 ah <0 or 1>
Toggle crosshairs in observer mode, default is 1 cl_observercrosshair <0 or 1>
Toggle flashlight use, default is 1/1 mp_flashlight <0 or 1>
Toggle footsteps, default is 1/1 mp_footsteps <0 or 1>
Toggle friendly fire mp_friendlyfire <0 or 1>
Toggle graph net_graph <0 or 1>
Toggle map briefings after new levels load, default is 1 dm <0 or 1>
Toggle to see ghosts in observer mode, default is 0 ghosts <0 or 1>
Unbind key command unbind
View other players" frags cl_hidefrags 0
Whiten all surroundings at 800x600 resolution r_lightmap 1